'상피세포'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2011.04.21 상피세포(Epithelium)의 분류와 예 1
STUDY/V.M 본1-12011. 4. 21. 22:13

1. Simple squamous epithlium- 보우만's capsule의 parietal layer, 허파꽈리를 lining, mesothlium(closed body cavity를 lining), endothlium(endocardium같은), 헬렌고리, 경질막과 거미막 아래 공간
2. Simple cuboidal epithlium-Ovary의 표면을 덮음, exocrine duct, gland의 secretory portion
3. Simple columnar epithlium- absortive- secretive lining cells of digestive tract, lager ducts/ cilated simple colmnar epithlium- small bronchi, uterine tube
4. Pseudostratified epithelium- larger excretory gland, excretory gland of male reproductive system, respiratory passage를 lining
5. keratinized stratified squamous epithelium- skin
6. nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium- vagina, cornea
7. stratified cuboidal epithelium- sweat gland
8. stratified columnar epithelium- 귀밑, 턱밑샘, 눈물주머니, 눈물샘, urethra의 distal pro
9. Transitional epithelium- 방광, 요도, 요관(urinary tract을 lining)

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Posted by XDii